Saturday, November 1, 2008

Winter Warmer and Grain Mills

I've been using an electric drill to power my grain mill (a JSP maltmill) for quite some time now, so I decided to motorize the mill. Using the instructions I found from someone else who'd motorized the same mill, I acquired a 1/40 HP electric motor,  a few sheaves and a belt. After wiring things together, I was ready for the maiden crush, as it were, with the winter warmer, an 8% ABV Old Ale. 

I finished the assembly this morning and had everything going, the mill was running perfectly, and as my buddy Dana started pouring in the almost 12 pounds of Maris Otter, it stopped. Nothing. No noise, no slowing, just stopped. I'd run into issues like this with other grains before that were a bit draker (and presumably harder grains) while using the drill, but I was just confounded. 

Okay, not really. I had actually half expected this to happen, and I imagine that it's from the undersized motor. Since the motor itself only cost me $3.50, it's no big deal, it's just more deflating than anything.

Grain mill aside, things went well and I ended up with 7 gallons of 1.050 OG beer fermenting with a 1500 ml starter. Should do just fine and be ready for Christmas as this one requires an extended aging period.

If anyone else out there (all two of you) have run across this grain mill issue before, I'd love to hear your solutions. And Adeptus, don't worry, I'm getting things packed up this weekend.

1 comment:

Barry M said...

I'm more worried about getting stuff packed myself! :D

I bought a Barley Crusher mill a couple of months ago and it's great, but I'm not using enough grain to motorise it yet. Still trying to complete my mash tun before I go mad on the all-grain brewing. Just missing one tiny piece! Grrr