Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hops v2.0

Spring has finally sprung here (for a day, at least) which means that the hops rhizomes I planted last year should be coming back, and like the voracious plants they are (they're not called Humulus lupus for nothing) they are back at it, with the Cascades appearing to have come back strongest. From what I've read, Cascades will grow pretty much anywhere, so they were an obvious choice. The Nuggets are coming back nicely (I still have some left in the freezer from last year's crop) and the Wilamettes I didn't get to harvest look like they'll do well. My neighbor stepped on the bine, breaking it at the ground, which toasted the crop. I'd have been upset, but he was in my garden to rid us both of the pesky mulberry trees along our common line, so he gets a pass and a hearty thanks. Those trees suck. Hopefully this year I'll get some greater yield being a) my second season, and therefore stronger plants, and b) more sunlight with the removal of that damn tree.

Thanks, Tom, and I'll brew a fresh hop beer in your honor if it works out that way.

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