Wanted to get going on the Helles bock this weekend, but SWMBO reminded me that we need to start setting up the seed boxes and grow lights to get the seedlings going for our garden. As I had promised this last weekend and forgotten, I can't tell her no, but maybe I can still squeeze a brew session in tomorrow.
Since the Roggenbier debacle, I've been a bit discouraged about brewing. I thought I had a pretty good sanitation process down, but now I'm starting to doubt that process and wonder if there isn't another possible source of contamination I'm going to overlook. I think it's just going to be a case of having to get going again and being as conscientious as possible about the sanitation procedures. Removing all valves, fitting, hoses, etc., and making sure they're all clean. I haven't had the heart to touch this beer since I noticed the infection because it's just such a letdown, but I guess now is the time. If this were a Brett beer I'd call that a great pellicle, but as it isn't, I'll call it what it is: garbage.
Follow the bear
19 hours ago